Livre d'or - le premier site internet du Red Star FC 93

18 mai 2024 10:47:26

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yan2008-08-22 10:59:19
bonjour à tous!
de tout coeur avec vous pour la remontée d'un club mythique comme le red star!
vive le vieux bauer!
bonne continuation
chimpers2008-08-15 17:29:23
perhaps you (english website editor)could explain what Red Star would have to do to get promotion? Have they got close in recent years? Will come and watch as soon as I have the time...
VIRLOUVET Laurent2008-08-14 15:18:30
Longue vie et Joyeux anniversaire à "" pour les 10 ans du site.
1.350.000 connexions, c'est le genre de chiffres qui se passe de tout commentaires.
"chimpers"2008-08-08 21:17:43
congratulations on very good english website content, I wish Red Star success this season so keep the results coming!
Gerard Mc Cavana
2008-07-31 23:28:57
Bonsoir! I'm a Supporter of Cliftonville FC (Belfast). I'm taking the family to Paris for a holiday next week(5th-12th Aug) I hope to get along to your ground and have a look around (hope to get some memorabilia while there too!)
Our beloved Cliftonville have just been beaten in the Uefa Cup 7-0! by Copenhagen tonight - I didn't get to the game but watched 'online' via the internet.(11-0 0n aggregate! :-(
Anyway - visit our website! We'll maybe start up a Cliftonville/Red Star 93 fanclub!
Never mind PSG, looking forward to seeing a real club next week!
Angel2008-07-31 20:18:35
Hello, greetings from spain. My name is angel and I´m supporter of a spanish football team: Daimiel CF

We are located in La Mancha Region 170 Km. south from Madrid and our team plays in the fourth spanish football level.

We ha signed a player named Franck Guei and is said to come from your team.

I would like any opinion about this player: technical attitudes, figth spirit, effort, etc.

Thank you very much and good luck for your next season.
2008-07-22 19:20:41
Juste un petit message de remerciement pour votre site qui est très bon :)
Je l'ai découvert par hasard en surfant sur le net...
Merci à vous et bonne continuation !!
Einar2008-07-18 00:35:04
Bonjour, Red Star Fans!
Greeting from Norvege! Just wanted to say that I personally think that You have one of the nicest/coolest club logos in the sport of football. Do You have a Club Shop? Want to get my hands on Your home shirt.
The very best of luck for the new season!

Allez Red Star!
laporte2008-06-15 12:43:02
espérons que les nombreux nouveaux joueurs,trouveront rapidement la cohésion,et qu'ils méneront le club en National-étape,avant le retour tant espéré en D2 voire ,un jour peut-ètre,en D1!ALLEZ RED STAR!bonne chance pour cette saison!
Maximilien2008-06-14 19:48:00
Je constate que le Red Star est très actif sur le marché des transferts.
C'est super, on va peut être pouvoir lutter pour l'accession au National.
A bientôt et vivement le championnat.

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